Ankle sprains

An ankle sprain occurs when ligaments become overstretched and tear. A ligament injury is also known as a soft tissue injury.

About Ankle sprains



The ankle has ligaments on the outside that prevent excessive movement. An ankle sprain occurs when these ligaments become overstretched and tear. A ligament injury is also known as a soft tissue injury.

The severity of the damage will determine the time it takes to achieve a full recovery. The damage can range from a small tear to a full rupture, and the severity will determine the recovery time.

Ankle sprains and foot pain may resolve on their own without requiring prescribed treatment, but there are symptoms that necessitate seeking medical help.

These symptoms include changes in skin color, especially if it turns blue or black; infection or ulceration of the skin; increased swelling; changes in the shape of the foot; impaired blood flow to the skin; gradual worsening of pain; and persistent pain for over three months.

If you have an existing medical condition such as diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, or scleroderma, and experience a new foot or ankle problem, there is good reason to seek the help of a medical professional.

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